Mr & Mrs Chalmers

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So glad we made it to Suji & Jackie’s wedding last weekend. We had a great time ! Enjoyed our stay in beautiful

St Andrews (the weather not being Scottish at all) with the extended Chalmers family (21 years after our fabulous Chalmers’ mystery tour in Sri Lanka), sharing good food & drinks and many happy memories… The wedding on Monday was just the icing on the cake.

Although our (very stylish) vintage bus had a wee problem in the middle of the motorway, we finally managed to reach the Hamilton Town House and attend the ceremony… ouffff !

Congratulations to Suji & Jackie and thank you for this once-in-a-lifetime-experience: a Scottish wedding in a castle with ‘Graeme Nicholas Sujiva’, Nick and especially uncle Mike in a traditional kilt. Want to check it out yourself ? Open the album now !

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